I wondered about the term “White Supremacy.” It is not an especially NEW term. It appears to have developed in conjunction with the explorations and exploitations by Europeans in the 15th century. It was a justification, as by the Spanish, for conquest of native peoples elsewhere in the world. In context with politics in what became the United States, it was used to justify subjugation and conquest of native peoples as well as to justify chattel slavery. However, and what is noteworthy is that not all American colonists, and later citizens of the United States, accepted this outlook. It became entrenched in the Southern States for economic reasons. Without slave labor on plantations, the South could not compete economically with agriculture in other countries. But Northern commerce depended more on industrialization and machines. The populations appear to have had different origins, as well. In any event, by the time political parties actually developed, there was a philosophical divide. Democrats established themselves as a distinct party in 1828. They successfully elected Andrew Jackson as President. The Republicans came along in 1854, basically inheriting the remains of the Whig Party. Due to their support of slavery, the Democrats predominated in the South. The Republicans generally stood against that “peculiar institution,” as it has been described and managed to elect Abraham Lincoln as President.
As the Maurer cartoon of 1860 shows, the Republicans sought to downplay abolishing slavery to sway enough undecided voters to elect Lincoln. It worked. However, thereafter the animosity between slave sympathizers and those who demanded an end to slavery just grew. After Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, his (second) Vice-President, Andrew Johnson, became President. Johnson was a Democrat. He had been placed on the ticket as a concession toward national unity with respect to the Civil War. Johnson supported slavery and this led to major conflicts with the largely Republican Congress. For example, due to his veto of rights for freed slaves, the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution were passed.
(Above) An anti-abolitionist parody of Republican efforts to play down the antislavery plank in their 1860 platform. Horace Greeley, the prominent New York publicist of the party, stands at left reassuring a man identified as "Young America." "I assure you my friend," he says, "that you can safely vote our ticket, for we have no connection with the Abolition party, but our Platform is composed entirely of rails, split by our Candidate." Young America, who represents progressive Democrats, points insistently toward the right, where candidate Abraham Lincoln sits atop a makeshift construction made of rails marked "Republican Platform," which imprisons an African American man. He tells Greeley, "It's no use old fellow! you can't pull that wool over my eyes for I can see 'the Nigger' peeping through the rails." Meanwhile, Lincoln reflects, "Little did I think when I split these rails that they would be the means of elevating me to my present position." (US Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog and the New York Public Library Digital Gallery. Believed to have been drawn by Louis Maurer)
Subsequent to the Civil War, the “Reconstruction Era” began. Freed slaves were able to enter politics leading to more dissention amongst, especially, the largely Democratic-controlled South. In 1876, an agreement was developed between the Republicans and the Democrats to elect Republican Rutherford B. Hayes President with the provision that the government would have “hands off” the South. As a consequence, the Southern states developed what came to be called “Jim Crow” laws. They severely restricted the rights and freedoms of black Americans until the US Supreme Court finally ended the laws as unconstitutional.
(Above) The Battle of Liberty Place Monument in Louisiana was erected in 1891 by the white-dominated New Orleans government. An inscription added in 1932 states that the 1876 US Presidential Election "recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state." It was removed in 2017 and placed in storage. (Photograph by Dorothea Lange - This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID fsa.8b29624.)
How did Jim Crow laws become accepted in the first place? Largely it was due to the notion of “White Supremacy” being planted in people’s head. And who planted the notion? The Democrats. Yes, Harry Truman, a Democrat did what he could to end the racial discrimination inherent in Jim Crow. And yes, Dwight Eisenhower tended to let the states work on the problems themselves, without federal involvement. However, Eisenhower did send Federal troops to maintain order and peace while the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, AR, took place.
The mantra of White Supremacy was heard:
In 1876 when the South was “given” to the Democrats
In 1891 when The Battle of Liberty Place Monument in Louisiana was erected by the white-dominated, preponderantly Democrat, New Orleans government
In 1898 when the lawfully elected government of Wilmington, North Carolina, was overthrown by a large, violent Democrat mob. Sixty black people were massacred; the remaining black population and anyone who identified as Republican were thrown out of the town.
In 1921 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when whites attacked blacks in the prosperous Greenwood District, destroying that part of town and murdering about 300 black people, while the Democrat administration were muted or non-existent in their response.
In 1932 when the aforementioned Liberty Place Monument was edited by Democrats to include the words “white supremacy.”
In 1957, as Democrats, led by Governor Orville Faubus, sought to fight racial integration of Little Rock High School, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Today, when Democrats try to claim that it is Republicans who are the “White Supremacists,” as when the Los Angeles Times newspaper claimed that California Governor Candidate Larry Elder, in the recall election against Democrat Gavin Newsom, was “the Black Face of White Supremacy.”
The common factor in all of the hooting, finger-wagging arguments, violence and outright hysteria? That common factor is that it is ALL by or fomented by Democrats. THEY are the White Supremacists. The Neo-Nazis, the Ultra-Right Skinheads, and any other groups parading as protectors of the “White Race” and espousing White Supremacy confuse the issue by co-opting the term. In fact, and according to the PEW Research Center (2018), they are not aligned with either major political party in the United States. Compare that, of course, to blatantly leftist organizations such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which appear to be sponsored by Leftist Democrats.
Do you know what “gaslighting” means? According to www.verywellmind.com, “…Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that occurs in abusive relationships. It is an insidious and sometimes covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality. Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to wonder if they are losing their sanity.”
Democrats are very good at gaslighting. Another version of this manipulation is termed “brain-washing.” Democrats have convinced vast swaths of otherwise reasonable Americans that it is THEY who are the protectors of the society, and that the Republicans are the White Supremacist enemy.
These are the same Democrats who, when elected, will steal your underpants -- while you are wearing them -- give them away as “foreign aid,” fine you for not wearing them, import them back (with tariffs), force you to buy them again -- at an inflated price -- and swear that you are getting a great deal.
And by the way, the subtle racism pushed by the Democrats that black kids cannot learn as well as “rich” (sic) kids, means dumbing down public education to the point that so-called “graduates” don’t even realize that they are being cheated. If anyone does realize, and protests, they are labeled – yes, you’ve got it – “White Supremacists.”